
You first have to obtain a package from the downloads section.

Choose a directory where you want to install the FADA node and uncompress the downloaded package. A new directory is created. In order to run a FADA node you will need several external libraries:

  • Velocity. The software has been tested with Velocity version 1.3.1, but it may work with other versions as well.
  • Commons-collections. This is needed by velocity. Version 3.1 has been tested, but again, other versions may work.
  • Log4j. Actually, FADA doesn't need log4j at all, although if you put it in the classpath FADA will use it to log the activities of the node. However, velocity seems to depend on log4j, so it is better to include it.

All these libraries have to be copied in the directory extlib. If versions other than specified here are used, you need to customize the or runFada.bat scripts (depending on your platform) to reflect those changes.

Then, go to the top-level directory created by the archive, and execute the script suitable for your platform, for Unix, runFada.bat for Windows. If your platform is neither of the above, have a look at those files and create your own startup script.